Initial Disclosure Document
So you're looking at finance? Below is a regulatory document known as the Initial Disclosure Document which outlines our finance practises, please take a read before proceeding with a finance agreement.
Lady Bailey Caravans (FRN 660794) is an Appointed Representative of Auto Finance On-line Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FRN 832181). Lady Bailey Caravans are a credit broker and introducer not a lender. With your instruction we will introduce you to Auto Finance On-line who may be able to offer you finance facilities for your purchase. We will only introduce you to this lender.
We will receive a commission payment from the finance provider if you decide to enter into an agreement with them. The nature of this commission is as follows: we receive a commission based on a percentage of the total amount of finance taken by the customer.
You will be informed about the amount of any commission received however you can ask us or Auto Finance On-line about this at any time. The commission received does not affect the amount you will pay under your finance agreement.
You may be able to obtain finance for your purchase from other lenders and you are encouraged to seek alternative quotations. If you would like to know how we handle complaints, please ask for a copy of our complaints handling process. You can also find information about referring a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) at